Norway House Cree Nation Health Centre of Excellence

The Challenge

The Norway House Cree Nation Health Care Centre of Excellence – Construction of Health Centre and Supporting Buildings Project is being constructed by JNR Construction, a joint venture between Norway House Cree Nation and Sigfusson Northern Ltd. The community of Norway House Cree Nation is located on the east channel of the Nelson River, approximately 456 km north of Winnipeg, 208 km east of The Pas and 190 km south of Thompson.

The Norway House Cree Nation Health Care Centre of Excellence is a new, one-storey, approximately 9,470 m² (101,934 sq. ft.) integrated health facility. On this site, JNR is the construction manager and is completing the site servicing, onsite sewer and water works and concrete supply and finishing. The health centre will provide health services to Norway House residents and to the broader northern communities.

Our Solution

To facilitate construction of this project, a significant amount of blasting was required to remove layers of the Canadian Shield. Rock blasting was completed by JNR, crushed and used in JNR’s civil services project. The building foundation is concrete pad and pilaster construction on bedrock, a steel superstructure, and an energy-efficient building envelope. JNR has teamed up with the Norway House Cree Nation for the betterment and training of local community members. JNR and its trade partners have committed to utilizing the maximum amount of local labour and resources. This has ensured the projects target of Green Globes Certification, which is achieved by minimizing environmental impacts, reducing operating costs and optimizing occupant comfort.

Project Specs

Location: Norway House, Manitoba

Description: Construction of Health Care Centre & Supporting Buildings

Completed on: Fall 2023
